We are the solution to making life healthier for our patients.

Here for every step of your health.

Why Choose Us?

Here are a few reasons why our patients LOVE us.

The Best Providers + The Best Technology

We work hard to ensure that bleeding-edge technology and world-class patient care blend seamlessly to create the perfect experience for our patients.

Effortless Patient Registration
Invoice Settlement & Authorizations in Seconds
Customized Followups Based on Your Needs
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Data Analysis

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Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare.
Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare.
Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget.
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flux office
flux office

Finalize Product

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.

Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare.
Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare.
Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget.
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Don't take our word for it!
See what patients are saying about us.

“This has been a premier experience of customer service, communication, and commitment to excellence. I can't Thank Sarah, Sean, Isabela, and the rest of the team enough for their level of care!”
“PML organized bloodwork, pre op labs, a pre op physical, pre op x-rays and a Mammogram within two days of my scheduled surgery. FAST, organized, friendly and connected. They were at my home at 6:30 am for bloodwork and drove me to the next appointment. All the doctors & nurses I met through their network were professional, on time and thorough. Rates are excellent - excellent value. ( I could not have been prepared for my surgery without them. I would have had to reschedule.)”
“The team is excellent. My daughter needed a blood draw and after a couple bad experiences with other places, Sarah made this experience wonderful for us. She was so sweet, and patient. She went above and beyond. And my daughter was much more at ease. Thank you!”
“Great Service and very professional. Loved my experience with Sarah!”
“I got my bloodwork done with Pink Mobile Labs and it was FAST. I was able to do all of my new patient forms on their website before I booked--and that was pretty convenient. Sarah (one of their nurses) came and was prompt and professional! I got my results faxed to myself and my doctor within the week and all was well. Thanks again Pink Mobile Labs!”
“When I say Pink Mobile Labs is thee 1 and only lab service I’ll ever use, I mean it! The ease, the comfort, the smile every time! The service can’t be beat and Sarah is an absolute sweetheart! I’m terrified of needles but with her, it was a breeze! I can’t recommend them enough!!!”

What We Do?

The services we offer are specifically designed to meet your needs.

Everything we do is centered around what YOU need. No one-size-fits-all care with us. Our service panel is growing everyday and we look forward to putting together a plan that best fits your best self!

More Offerings

Private Nursing

A convenient home-based primary care service that provides comprehensive medical assistance at your doorstep. With skilled healthcare professionals, it offers personalized treatment, diagnostics, and preventive care, ensuring comfort and accessibility for patients.

Medical Clearances

A medical clearance provider that conducts thorough assessments at your home, ensuring fitness for specific activities or procedures. Convenient, comprehensive evaluations for peace of mind.

Mobile Bloodwork

Traditional blood draws can be a hassle: crowded waiting rooms, long lines, and that sterile hospital vibe. But what if you could skip the whole shebang and get your blood work done in the comfort of your own home or office? That's where Pink Mobile Labs comes in. We're a mobile bloodwork service, bringing the lab to you with friendly, experienced phlebotomists and a commitment to making your health journey smooth and stress-free.

Mobile EKG/ECG

Skipping the hospital gown and needles for a heart check? Sounds pretty good, right? With Pink Mobile Labs, it's a reality. We bring our state-of-the-art mobile EKG/ECG service straight to your doorstep, so you can ditch the hassle and prioritize your heart health without leaving the comfort of your own home.

Mobile Chest X-Ray

Ever dreaded long hospital waits and cramped X-ray rooms for a simple chest scan? Imagine ditching the sterile environment and taking control, getting that vital chest X-ray from the comfort of your own home or office. That's the power of Pink Mobile Labs. We bring our cutting-edge mobile chest X-ray service directly to you, offering a swift, stress-free way to gain insights into your lung health.

Mobile IV Therapy

Forget sterile drips and hospital waits! Pink Mobile Labs delivers the ultimate in hydration and nutrient delivery directly to your home or office with our luxurious mobile IV therapy service. Imagine, ditching the hassle and stepping into a spa-like experience, all while boosting your health and well-being.

Customer Satisfaction

We make your visits stress-free & worry-free.

With Pink Mobile Labs, you get:
Convenient in-home service:
We come to you, on your schedule.
Broad range of tests: Bloodwork, DNA testing, urodynamics, preoperative and routine labs, wound culture swabs, Covid-19, PFT, EKG, mobile X-rays, ultrasounds, finger printing, and much more.
Experienced professionals: Our qualified phlebotomists and technicians ensure smooth, accurate testing.
Personalized care: We take the time to understand your needs and provide a stress-free experience.


Customer Satisfaction


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What Makes Us Different?

All of our solutions make life easier for our patients.

Thinking Outside the Tube

Our phlebotomists use cutting-edge technology like painless finger prick tests and advanced blood collection devices. Our  smooth techniques when collecting specimen make testing more comfortable and efficient. We're constantly exploring new ways to collect the data you need without the hassle.

Innovation in Your Living Room

Say goodbye to unnecessary hospital visit! We're developing telemedicine options that connect you with specialists and healthcare professionals virtually with our team. Allow our team of providers to assist with your medical needs. Imagine consultations with leading experts from the comfort of your couch, with real-time data from your at-home tests feeding directly into the conversation.

Solutions at the Speed of Life

We know time is precious. Our rapid turnaround times mean you get your results faster than ever before. No more waiting weeks for answers – Pink Mobile Labs delivers clarity and actionable insights within days, sometimes even hours, depending on the test. Our flexible scheduled include holiday hour for your convenience.

Support that Goes Beyond the Band-Aid

We're not just about tests and results. Our team is dedicated to providing holistic support. We offer educational resources, connect you with specialists, and answer your questions with care and compassion. Think of us as your extended healthcare family, always there to guide you through every step.


Need care on demand? We can help. prescriptions, personal service, & unlimited patience-- for our PML NOW™️ patients.

Learn More About PML Now